
The House That Milk Jugs Built

 The House that Milk Jugs Built

The House That Milk Jugs Built

My husband started a running joke in our house about my use of empty milk jugs.  He says that ours is “the house that milk jugs built”!  If you look around my house you’ll see all kinds of things made from milk jugs. Here’s why.
Many years ago, I read an article about uses for empty milk jugs.  It’s been so long, I don’t remember if it was online or in a magazine.  The point is that reading this article made me realize that all the empty food and drink containers I throw away are containers I could be reusing for other things.  Thus, the invention storm of household uses for milk jugs began!
At times, I’ve even asked my extended family to save their milk jugs for me also!  I use gallon milk jugs, half gallon milk jugs, it just doesn’t matter.  There are so many creative ways to reuse your old milk jugs that you’ll be amazed and ready to get out your scissors, markers and crafting supplies and get to work.
This week (milk jugs week), we’re going to be focusing on the many milk jug inventions you can come up with to reuse old plastic milk jugs around your home.  We’ve got tons of uses for them, including organizing, home decor, food storage and more.  Join us for the crafty DIY fun of milk jugs week!

Milk Jugs DIY at Home Ever After

Milk Jug Uses In My Kitchen
40 Uses for Plastic Milk Jugs
99 More Uses For Plastic Milk Jugs & Milk Jug DIY Projects


  • CTY

    I too use all kinds of containers/packaging etc from things I buy. Milk jugs have all kinds of uses. My latest use for the 1/2 gal size milk jugs is to help keep my corner kitchen cabinet lazy Susan clean. I use about the bottom 5 inches of the jug to set my bottle of olive oil in. The reason is because no matter how much I try the oil always seems to run down the bottle & leave a ring on the lazy Susan shelf it sits on. Then other items I store get oily from the ring left & dirt accumulates & I then need to clean the whole shelf with hot soapy water, rinse & dry and wipe the bottoms of all the items nearby. The oil bottle still gets oily–as it will; but the jug keeps the mess in one spot & doesn’t get other things oily. When it builds up I simply wash the jug in hot sudsy water & reuse. As for the other part of the jug–well it became a compost scoop.