• Freebies

    Our Free Samples are So Hot They're Driving People to a Life of Crime!

    Think that headline is just a gimmick to get you to read this article? No such chance! I’m sorry to say that Home Ever After’s free samples are so great they are now driving people to a life of crime. People, anonymous people, people whose identities I will never discover… “What is she talking about?” you may be asking. I’ll tell you the sad tale! Today I went to the post office and was overjoyed to receive my free sample in the mail from Walmart of Weather Works Frizz Ease shampoo, conditioner, and style sealant creme. Or so I thought. When I attempted to open the postcard to get the…

  • Blogworld

    The 99¢ Menu is Now the… $1.79 Menu?!

    Tales of Recession Dining, aka The 99¢ menu at Wendy’s is now the $1.79 menu! My husband got back from his 2 week exile business trip to a remote village and we went restaurant and fast food crazy! We’re normally very well behaved when it comes to not eating out, but this weekend qualified as an exception. We went to Denny’s Friday night after I picked him up from the airport, Wendy’s Saturday before our movie date and Taco Bell on Sunday after some errands. Needless to say, we’re off fast food until the next qualified exception (probably a few months!). However, our restaurant experiences were enlightening ones, and I’ll…