Declutter,  Minimalist

Minimalist Baby Bibs

We’re going minimalist, and there is a common misconception that babies ‘need so much stuff’.  How many times have you heard (or said) that very phrase?  It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, and if you believe that babies need lots of gear, all the extra stuff will find its way into your house.
Trust me, you’ll look around one day and wonder (if you haven’t already), “Where did all this baby stuff come from?  Some of it has never been used…”  You can , in fact, be minimalist with babies!
Our minimalist switch has continued to every member of the family, and that includes the babies.  We were supposed to have enough bibs in these two kitchen bins for our two youngest toddlers.  What we really had was enough to outfit an entire daycare!

Before Minimalism

Here is our baby bibs supply before we went minimalist:
Minimalist Bibs (2)-HEA
What a mess!  We had 2 bins for 2 kids, and on top of that, both of them were overflowing.  We cut down over 50% of the bibs we own.  After purging half of the clutter, we had one nice and neat bibs bin that everything fit in nicely.

After Minimalism

Here is our baby bibs supply after we went minimalist.
Minimalist Bibs (3)-HEA
You know our minimalist overhaul is almost done, but I’m still working around the clock for the next few days to rid our lives of all the clutter.  Stay tuned for more before and after pictures during our minimalist journey!