Love Your Life

Make Time Count: 2 Hour Weekend

Coffee with Home Ever After
Good morning, friends!  Grab your coffee (or tea or water or other refreshing beverage) and make your time count.  You’ve got 2 days of weekend and – even if you’re the busiest person around – you’ve surely got 2 hours in there that belong to you.
Take those 2 hours (or 3 or 5 or 10) and do something deliberate that helps you achieve one of your life goals.  It may be as simple as writing an email, researching a school program, creating a resume, or reading a book.  The first step in any direction is the same size as every other step: small.
YOUR weekend (the time that you own for yourself to decide/do whatever you want) may be only 5 minutes or a scant 2 hours, but it is enough to make forward progress on anything you want!

Make Time Count

If you haven’t written down 5 life goals yet, that’s a perfect place to start today.  Write down 5 things you’d like to accomplish in your life.  They don’t have to be lofty and there is no right or wrong choice.
For example, one of my husband’s life goals is to watch every Academy Award® winning movie for best screenplay in order from first awarded to most recent movie.  It’s not on my list, but for him it’s just right.  A step toward that goal is as simple as making a list of the movies, borrowing one from the library, or watching one of the films.
Life can seem too busy for getting what we want if we allow ourselves to get overwhelmed and caught up in the everyday mundane busy-ness of getting by.  Don’t let this weekend slip away without getting one of your steps accomplished.  Just break down your goals’ steps and make the time for one step this weekend.
Make time count for your 2 hour weekend.  Have a great Saturday and remember: make your DREAMS happen, don’t just let LIFE happen to you!