
As Frugal as You Want to Be

008How frugal is frugal enough? Do you compare your frugal efforts to those of your friends, neighbors, family members, or even fellow frugal bloggers?
I have a confession to make about my frugality that might make you feel better: I’m not always at the same level of frugal. Sometimes I’m hardcore, and other times I’m more relaxed. Here’s why.
The main reason that my frugality varies is that my priorities change from time to time, plain and simple. When I’m pregnant, I spend more money on things that make my life easier and save me time, such as paper plates for the family to use to save time on doing dishes.
While I realize that buying paper plates costs more than simply using my regular dishes, I also realize that I can’t spend as much physical energy right now and that saving my time is a better option for me right now.
I love to save money on groceries and stock up with coupons and sales, but I don’t always have the time to shop or space in my pantry to store items. Sometimes I’m more frugal than others, and sometimes I save more than others, and that’s okay!
Your frugality is personal and you’ll never be the same as anyone else, so give yourself a break and stop comparing! Even when it seems that all the other frugal bloggers are making everything homemade for their families (homemade bread, homemade dishwashing detergent, homemade baby food), I remember that not everyone can maintain the same level of frugality or self-sufficiency ALL the time. It’s natural for things to go in waves, just like the natural rhythm of our everyday lives.
The truth is you can be as frugal as you want to be, and never feel guilty! Just give yourself credit for the frugal education you have and the frugal efforts you make, and remember that every once in a while it’s okay to take it easy. You deserve it!
We originally published As Frugal as You Want to Be on November 5, 2009.

One Comment

  • Fairbanks Realtor

    My wife is always looking for the discount stickers. I think she is drawn to them and I am thankful for it. She has books of coupons and I’m glad she keeps our family in the black at all times. Great blog and thanks for letting me comment. Have a super weekend.